Monday, October 31, 2011


I figure since it is Facebook official now I can post it here!  Dave and I are expecting our first child on May 4th, 2012. 

We are so excited!!  It is perfect timing and we cannot wait to meet the little one.  I am 13 weeks along now and feeling really good. For more information you can go to the baby blog at . 

Here is the first picture of the next little one!  This was taken at 9 weeks, so "Lil' Bug" has grown a bit since then!

Happy Monday!!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Umm, summer?

So, since the last time I blogged a lot has happened.  Or at least I think so.  Summer is basically over, which is weird to think about.   

Summer kinda got crazy with chaperoning a servant trip to SC and vacation to Michigan.  Before I knew it school started and it's September. 

I'm trying to get back into the swing of blogging, it feels foreign again.  I guess just a basic update, right? 

Well, I am teacher 3's pre-school this year, which is totally different.  I got moved to full-time because of this switch and so I no longer have to be in charge of the aftercare program at school (PRAISE THE LORD!).  The 3's are exhausting!  They have so much energy, so many questions, so many battles with basic rules.  I definetly need nap time just as much as them these days.  I also got to move to a bigger classroom and actually decorate the way I want, and it is adorable!!!  We also have a class pet; a gerbil named "Apple"!  HA!  Gotta love 3 year old names! 

The mystery right now is why the school smells like poop.  Not even kidding.  IT'S NOT APPLE!  I cleaned her cage.  Everybody is pointing fingers and it is so like high school sometimes it drives me nuts!  Anyways...

My hubby was offered the job of high school assistant mens soccer coach and he has been loving it.  He has such a passion for soccer (I suppose that happens after playing for almost 20 years) and he finally get's to share it with other's.  This does mean that he is gone a lot coaching and at games.  He is happy though and we do get an extra check in bank.  Icing on the cake. 

I am trying to psyche myself up to clean the house.  I've been saying I need to do it for about 2 weeks now.  It's getting to that gross point...and maybe if I clean the house, I will want to cook again...there could be some correlation there (me grossed out by kitchen = me not wanting to cook in said kitchen). 

Baby fever is still in full swing and I cannot wait until God blesses us with our own little bundle of crying, poopy, love!  Hubby is getting excited too!!  Maybe it's soon?  It's starting to feel like it should happen, but I am trying really hard to just trust in God.  It sure is hard though. 

October brings the next wedding on the horizon.  My dear friend Kris is getting married and I am bridesmaid.  I must alter my dress soon...ugh, another thing on my to do list.  She is having a "steam punk" themed wedding.  Deffinetly a little different, but totally her. 

November is the final wedding for awhile, Mary is getting married on the Saturday after Thanksgiving.  I have to alter my beautiful orange dress for that one.  Her theme?  Books, romantic soft candlelight and simplicity.  SO MARY! 

Anything else.....nope.  Not really. 

Happy Tuesday!

Friday, July 1, 2011

If at first...

you don't succeed...


That's my motto right now.

In the mean time enjoying a Summer Shandy while in the clear.

Praying that more trying will result in the desired outcome.

Thursday, June 30, 2011


I went to bed last night at 7pm and slept until 6:30AM.  It felt good.  

and yet...

I am tired again.  

P.S.  I told my campers at summer school a story today.  It was all about a bandit called Wiley Willy who stole all the toilet paper from the town.  The town had to walk around with their legs crossed cause they couldn't use the bathroom without anything to wipe with. In the end the deputy (me, telling the story in a cowboy-ish accent) and the sheriff got it back and then shared with him so Wiley Willy would never run out of toilet paper again.  

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Happy Anniversary to Us!

My hubby and I have officially made it 3 years being married!  It seem's like forever but is still such an adventure every day, truly.  Like this morning...well it was a bit of a bumpy morning, but that's why I love us.  Even though it was bumpy this morning we worked through it and we are all smiles now!  Love him!  He is my best friend.  The other day we went to Noah's Ark Water Park to celebrate our anniversary and while waiting in line my hubby said
"I don't know how people go through life alone.  I couldn't. 
I love you and  it's like always having a best friend and buddy around."  

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Summer Lovin'

It is summer.  I love summer.  I love the smell of freshly mowed grass and having the birds wake you up in the morning.  Summer seems to move at a slower pace than the other seasons.  Maybe it's because I am not in school but it seems more relaxed everywhere.  I am still helping out at school but it has a whole different vibe during the summer. 

Maybe you noticed an addition to the top of my blog?  Maybe not?  Well after much thought, prayer and discussion the hubby and I are officially trying to have a baby!  YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I am so excited!  We are celebrating our third wedding anniversary on the 28th and we have been together for a total of eight years so I think we are ready.  For people who don't believe in the baby bug, I laugh in your face!  I was definitely bit by the baby bug around Christmas and I just cannot wait to start the new adventure of being a mommy. 

Vacations are on their way.  A few quick ones here and there and then 2 weeks in Michigan during August.  Just in time to recoop for the beginning of the school year. 

It's summer and right now there's a thunderstorm rolling through.  I even love those.  I love the uneasiness the atmosphere gets right before it begins to rain.  I love how dark it can get in the middle of the day as the storm rumbles through.  I love how afterwards there is a brief respit from the humidity (just long enough to remember that there is a life without sweating). 

I love summer. 

Friday, April 15, 2011

Spring Break

It is officially spring break and because I work at a Christian school I am lucky enough to get Holy Week off! It always gets to this point in the year and we teachers (and students) need a chance to rejuvinate our bodies and souls. I am headed to MI to visit my parents and it will be a much needed respite. Kelly , a blogger I read, wants our reading list and since I am head to vacation I have a bunch. I am an avid reader; I wish there was a job where all I had to do was sit and read on a big, comfy couch! Ha! I would miss my little ones at school though! My Reading List: 1. The Story of Edgar Sawtell (good so far) 2. Out of Africa 3. The Poisonwood Bible (re-read, great book!) 4. Walden and other short stories (never read, but I think it is a essential bit of liturature) 5. Atlas Shrugged (FAVORITE BOOK EVER! Part 1 of this book is coming out today as a movie so I must re-read to refresh myself on details) I have to read to fall asleep every night so my list changes quite often! What are you all reading?